

Monday, June 15, 2009

ALMOST had to leave the dog behind. YIKES!!!!!!!

So this is the story: My sister's family came to visit so we decided to head to Mt. Lemon for a picnic, being Memorial day and all. We were stuffing our faces and enjoying the weather when out of the corner of my eye I SAW IT. Yep... My dog lexie was rolling like a crazy dog in "SOMETHING". Didn't take more than a split second to realize what that "something" was. CRAP. Human crap at that. Who ever was at our campsite before us obviously did not grow up as a boyscout (knowing that humans are suppose to cover their poop). Thinking I was Running in slow motion screaming at the top of my lungs.....NO.... NO..... My sister thought a kid fell off a cliff or something. Anyway the next 1/2 hour was loads of fun. You couldn't even see her tags for they were covered in "IT". Luckily I had some food prep gloves, my sister had a package of powdered laundry detergent and her husband had a bunch of water bottles he punched holes in so the water would come out really fast. I also happen to have 3 beach towels in the car to dry her off. If I would not have been their I fear Charles would have left Lexie on the mountain... or possibly killed her because he was sooooooo mad. #1 reason not to own a dog. ALL dogs love to roll in "it". Besides the poop drama we were glad Connie's family came to visit. Hannah loved playing with her cousin Elece. Too bad we counldn't see them more often.

Crossing the plains

Crossing the plains
Hannah and her cousin Elece dressed up as Pioneers at the Tree House Museum in Ogdon, UT.

What in the world????

What in the world????
Looks like Hannah is doing a rain dance. Not really... She looked up cuz dad yelled her name. This was taken at the Tree House Museum. Hannah's aunt and 2 cousins are wih her in the picture.

So Big!

So Big!
Hannah loves to sit and read.

Pot at the end of the Rainbow

Pot at the end of the Rainbow
Plopped Hannah up on the back wall to catch this photo.


Hannah's 1st Beignet (ben-yay) at Cafe' Du Monde in New Orleans. (April 08)

Hannah Sept 2007

Hannah Sept 2007
This is one of my favorites.

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