

Friday, February 12, 2010

Yep... It happened to me.

Okay... So your probably wondering what the heck is that a picture of. Well the little thing on the right is a rare earth magnet. They are way more powerful than the average manget. Magnets larger than a few centimeters are strong enough to cause injuries to body parts pinched between two magnets. There have been cases where young children that have swollowed several magnets have had a fold of the digestive tract pinched between the magnets, causing injury or death. So where am I going with this? Well I'm sitting at the computer yesterday and Hannah says "Mom, one of your little round magnets just went down into my tummy". Needless to say even though she only swollowed 1 the nurse said better safe than sorry. So off to St Joe's we went. I have to say it was quite a pleasant trip. Hannah thought it was the coolest place to be. She enjoyed her x-Ray. She told me she got to see the magnet and her bones. I always wondered how other kids got a hold of mangets..... Never say never. Makes you wonder things like.... Am I a bad mom? I didn't even know she had the magnet. This is what I get for bragging about how she really has never done anything really bad. She's never colored on the walls, or smeared her poop places it shouldn't be or painted my tile with nail polish...or, well the list could go on and on. Again...... never say never.
As for me... I'm feeling pretty good. Of course I am ready to get this little guy out. I have 6 weeks to go(On my clock I have 3). I have a sonogram on March 2nd. The doc doesn't want him over 7 pounds (No repeats of the last delivery). So I'm hope'n he weighs in so I can schedule a day and get back tying my own shoes. Still working on a name. I know that's bad. We've just been so busy we havn't had a chance to even think of one. So anyone who is reading this is welcome to put in their two cents with some name ideas. Hannah is excited, but still talks about getting a baby sister later on. She doesn't understand that babies don't come when I blink like with my sisters and my mom.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New Year

Well it's been a while. So much for updating this thing regularly. Well I technically have 8 more weeks till the baby (I am saying 5 weeks). Hannah is on the fence about having a baby brother. She seems excited, but other times she tells her friends that her baby brother will walk into the street and get hit by a car and die. This way she will then get a baby sister. Yike! I think she will be just fine with him though. She is growing up way too fast and of course she is a mini me all the way. She tells me, "Your are frustrating me mom" or "You're kill'n me". Lately she tells people her house is too small and that we are going to buy a new one. Another is when we are driving down the road her remark is "Can all these cars just get out of the way". Maybe I should watch what I say.......

Crossing the plains

Crossing the plains
Hannah and her cousin Elece dressed up as Pioneers at the Tree House Museum in Ogdon, UT.

What in the world????

What in the world????
Looks like Hannah is doing a rain dance. Not really... She looked up cuz dad yelled her name. This was taken at the Tree House Museum. Hannah's aunt and 2 cousins are wih her in the picture.

So Big!

So Big!
Hannah loves to sit and read.

Pot at the end of the Rainbow

Pot at the end of the Rainbow
Plopped Hannah up on the back wall to catch this photo.


Hannah's 1st Beignet (ben-yay) at Cafe' Du Monde in New Orleans. (April 08)

Hannah Sept 2007

Hannah Sept 2007
This is one of my favorites.

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