

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New Year

Well it's been a while. So much for updating this thing regularly. Well I technically have 8 more weeks till the baby (I am saying 5 weeks). Hannah is on the fence about having a baby brother. She seems excited, but other times she tells her friends that her baby brother will walk into the street and get hit by a car and die. This way she will then get a baby sister. Yike! I think she will be just fine with him though. She is growing up way too fast and of course she is a mini me all the way. She tells me, "Your are frustrating me mom" or "You're kill'n me". Lately she tells people her house is too small and that we are going to buy a new one. Another is when we are driving down the road her remark is "Can all these cars just get out of the way". Maybe I should watch what I say.......

1 comment:

Stephanie Blackstone Photography said...

What a riot she is!!! Yeah she is just like you!! Love ya and call me when you get time!!

Crossing the plains

Crossing the plains
Hannah and her cousin Elece dressed up as Pioneers at the Tree House Museum in Ogdon, UT.

What in the world????

What in the world????
Looks like Hannah is doing a rain dance. Not really... She looked up cuz dad yelled her name. This was taken at the Tree House Museum. Hannah's aunt and 2 cousins are wih her in the picture.

So Big!

So Big!
Hannah loves to sit and read.

Pot at the end of the Rainbow

Pot at the end of the Rainbow
Plopped Hannah up on the back wall to catch this photo.


Hannah's 1st Beignet (ben-yay) at Cafe' Du Monde in New Orleans. (April 08)

Hannah Sept 2007

Hannah Sept 2007
This is one of my favorites.

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