

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My sweet baby is back

March 23rd huh? My beautiful little Zack was born. Then 2 weeks later someone stole his little soul and replaced it with a not so happy fellow. Yikes! Is pretty much all I can say. The grumpy little man left a couple of weeks ago and I have a sweet child again. Some days I thought I would never make it through and Hannah decided she needed some EXTRA attention also. Never knew 3 yr olds could throw such BIG fits. Life is much more pleasent now. A miracle is happening as I write this. Charles, Zack and Hannah are all taking naps. It will be short lived, but I am enjoying it none the less.

We had Zack blessed on Mother's Day. I know he looks a bit grumpy. Maybe it was the bow tie (snicker). It was really bright out side.

Hannah sure loves her baby brother. If he is crying she sings to him. Love it.


Andi said...

Hallelujah! :)

Allison said...

Such cute pictures. You guys are an adorable family!

Crossing the plains

Crossing the plains
Hannah and her cousin Elece dressed up as Pioneers at the Tree House Museum in Ogdon, UT.

What in the world????

What in the world????
Looks like Hannah is doing a rain dance. Not really... She looked up cuz dad yelled her name. This was taken at the Tree House Museum. Hannah's aunt and 2 cousins are wih her in the picture.

So Big!

So Big!
Hannah loves to sit and read.

Pot at the end of the Rainbow

Pot at the end of the Rainbow
Plopped Hannah up on the back wall to catch this photo.


Hannah's 1st Beignet (ben-yay) at Cafe' Du Monde in New Orleans. (April 08)

Hannah Sept 2007

Hannah Sept 2007
This is one of my favorites.

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