

Saturday, September 11, 2010

That Music man who went to Heaven.....

So Hannah is hanging out in the kitchen with me and she says "Mom, my friend Henry died (to clarify, Henry is an imaginary friend). "He went to heaven". I asked her who he was going to see there expecting her to say something like Heavenly Father or Jesus. Nope! She says "he is going to see that music man". I said "huh? What music man?" Her reply "Mom, you know.... that music man who died and went to Heaven". It took me a second then I GOT it... I said "You mean Micheal Jackson?" She says "YEP, that's the one". Then a few minutes later she asked me if she could watch "This is IT". Hmmmm.... the mind of a 3 almost 4 yr old.


kellie said...

She is hilarious!

Brooke said...

how cute - Michael Jackson's death must have really had an impact on her ;)

Crossing the plains

Crossing the plains
Hannah and her cousin Elece dressed up as Pioneers at the Tree House Museum in Ogdon, UT.

What in the world????

What in the world????
Looks like Hannah is doing a rain dance. Not really... She looked up cuz dad yelled her name. This was taken at the Tree House Museum. Hannah's aunt and 2 cousins are wih her in the picture.

So Big!

So Big!
Hannah loves to sit and read.

Pot at the end of the Rainbow

Pot at the end of the Rainbow
Plopped Hannah up on the back wall to catch this photo.


Hannah's 1st Beignet (ben-yay) at Cafe' Du Monde in New Orleans. (April 08)

Hannah Sept 2007

Hannah Sept 2007
This is one of my favorites.

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